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More Recent Posts on the All Freelance Writing Blog

Travel Writing Markets for Freelance Writers

Do you wish you could get paid to write about your traveling experience and favorite destinations? Are you a digital nomad freelance writer and you’d like to be paid to write about the places you visit on your journey? If so, consider pursuing travel writing markets like those found in…

80 AI Use Cases for Freelance Writers

We’ve talked about how AI could impact the freelance writing industry, how AI can lead to plagiarism problems, and even the best way freelance writers can make money with AI. Now it’s time to explore the many different AI uses cases that could impact your freelance writing business. We’ll look…

4 AI Writing Tools for Freelance Writers

We’ve talked about whether or not AI writing tools are coming for your job as a freelance writer. We’ve explored some of the legal and ethical AI concerns you and your clients should be aware of. Now let’s look at some examples of generative AI tools you can test right…

AI Content and the Future of Freelance Writing

If you’ve followed developments around freelance writing, blogging, SEO, or technology in general in recent months, you’re aware of “generative AI.” In particular, you’ve heard about—and might have tried—an AI content tool called ChatGPT. And if you’re like many of our fellow freelance writers, you might have some concerns. Namely,…

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